DETI Room Displayer



The web page allows the user to book a room or view the occupation of a particular room, as well as its type of event.
Open Visit Here

Corridor Dashboard

The corridor dashboard allows the user to view the map corresponding to each floor, to help him which room is free to book in the department

Classroom Dashboard

With our tablet next to the classrooms, students and teachers could see all the room activity on that day. On the left list the user can preview the classes and events as well as the free times of the room. On the top right it is shown the information about the current event and the next event. The user could also scan the QR code to access our web app and schedule a reservation for that room.




We are a group of Universidade de Aveiro MIECT students, and together we form group 9 of MIECT's PEI course, mentored by Professors Cláudio Teixeira, Filipe Trancho and Carlos Saraiva.

More information in the Members section above.

This is the official site for our project DETI_Room_Displayer, in wich we are going to make some displays to show the available and free classrooms for DETI students to use and reserve. In addiction we will build a Web App to facilitate classroom reservation.


Documents and Reports

Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Milestone 4